Contact Information

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Rebecca Jefferson Gross is a professional stylist born in Los Angeles – California on July 16, 1985. She studied psychology at Loyola Marymount University. She started working as a costume stylist, which began to form her professional experience in the beauty industry. Thanks to her advances, she managed to work directly with renowned stylists such as Rob Zangardi and Mariel Haenn, but she made herself known on the reality show Bridget’s Sexiest Beaches. As a qualified stylist, she had the opportunity to design looks for celebrities like Will Smith, Rihanna, Kerry Washington, and many more. Rebecca Gross has also worked in the world of photography with her husband Lance Gross. Her closure has been marked by success in important events, as well as in audiovisual productions such as films and television commercials.

Rebecca Gross is a celebrity Fashion Stylist whose clients have included Read More

Rebecca Jefferson Gross is a professional stylist born in Los Angeles – California on July 16, 1985. She studied psychology at Loyola Marymount University. She started working as a costume stylist, which began to form her professional experience in the beauty industry. Thanks to her advances, she managed to work directly with renowned stylists such as Rob Zangardi and Mariel Haenn, but she made herself known on the reality show Bridget’s Sexiest Beaches. As a qualified stylist, she had the opportunity to design looks for celebrities like Will Smith, Rihanna, Kerry Washington, and many more. Rebecca Gross has also worked in the world of photography with her husband Lance Gross. Her closure has been marked by success in important events, as well as in audiovisual productions such as films and television commercials.

Rebecca Gross is a celebrity Fashion Stylist whose clients have included Bea Miller, Jennifer Lopez and Kelly Rowland. You can view their current celebrity clients in our database. Rebecca Gross work has been featured in Elle, GQ and BELLO Mag. Rebecca Gross has also used and worked with a variety of brands which include Ellie Vail Jewelry, Okhtein and Mistress Rocks.

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