Contact Information

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Jasmine Kharbanda




Max Ortega Govela is a celebrity stylist who was born and brought up in Mexico. He later moved to Paris to focus on his fashion career. He started his professional journey by assisting top-notch fashion editors at Love Magazine. After that, he assisted at AnOther Magazine, where he got immense experience and exposure that helped him in the long run. He has contributed to several international publications such as Garage Magazine, Vogue Mexico, and American Vogue, to name a few. He has also collaborated with The Gentleman, Fantastic Men, and other brands. His career took off when he started working with Jonathan Kaye at The Gentlewoman. He worked with him for five consecutive years before he moved to New York. He worked with Camellia Nickerson on several projects. He is also passionate about consulting as a fashion director.

Max Ortega Govela Read More

Max Ortega Govela is a celebrity stylist who was born and brought up in Mexico. He later moved to Paris to focus on his fashion career. He started his professional journey by assisting top-notch fashion editors at Love Magazine. After that, he assisted at AnOther Magazine, where he got immense experience and exposure that helped him in the long run. He has contributed to several international publications such as Garage Magazine, Vogue Mexico, and American Vogue, to name a few. He has also collaborated with The Gentleman, Fantastic Men, and other brands. His career took off when he started working with Jonathan Kaye at The Gentlewoman. He worked with him for five consecutive years before he moved to New York. He worked with Camellia Nickerson on several projects. He is also passionate about consulting as a fashion director.

Max Ortega Govela is a celebrity Fashion Stylist whose clients have included Luisana González, Yorgelis Marte and Andra Day. You can view their current celebrity clients in our database. Max Ortega Govela work has been featured in Vogue México y Latinoamérica, Vogue China and Vogue. Max Ortega Govela has also used and worked with a variety of brands which include The Row, Prada and Marni.

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