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Danielle Galligan


Cecilia Romero is a New York-based hairstylist specializing in advertising, editorial, magazine covers, and lookbooks. Romero’s first career in her first decade as a professional was being a top soloist Flamenco dancer. Later on, she moved to New York as a change of career to be a hairstylist. Her first professional experience in this career was when she became an assistant to Eugene Souleiman and Guido for the New York, Milan, and Paris fashion week. Since then, she made her own name known to the industry. Some of Romero’s projects include collaborations with publications like LOVE, ELLE, Dazed Magazine, Harper’s Bazaar, HEROINE Magazine, Hercules Magazine, Numero France, V Magazine, and Sportswear International. Romero also styled several celebrities such as Isabelle Huppert, Dame Judi Dench, Leonardo DiCaprio, Michael Moore, Stellan Skarsgard, and Holly Hunter.

Cecilia Romero is a celebrity Hair Stylists whose clients have included <a Read More

Cecilia Romero is a New York-based hairstylist specializing in advertising, editorial, magazine covers, and lookbooks. Romero’s first career in her first decade as a professional was being a top soloist Flamenco dancer. Later on, she moved to New York as a change of career to be a hairstylist. Her first professional experience in this career was when she became an assistant to Eugene Souleiman and Guido for the New York, Milan, and Paris fashion week. Since then, she made her own name known to the industry. Some of Romero’s projects include collaborations with publications like LOVE, ELLE, Dazed Magazine, Harper’s Bazaar, HEROINE Magazine, Hercules Magazine, Numero France, V Magazine, and Sportswear International. Romero also styled several celebrities such as Isabelle Huppert, Dame Judi Dench, Leonardo DiCaprio, Michael Moore, Stellan Skarsgard, and Holly Hunter.

Cecilia Romero is a celebrity Hair Stylists whose clients have included Ally Ertel, Aida Blue and Larissa Hofmann. You can view their current celebrity clients in our database.

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