Contact Information

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Lisa Godon



Barbara Baumel is a stylist and a fashion editor for French Vogue, She has been working with the magazine for more than a decade. Besides French Vogue, she is also an active contributor to International Vogue and Elle US. Baumel experienced working with famous photographers such as Ellen Von Unwerth, Michael Thompson, Terry Richardson, and Max Vadukul. Her latest editorial work, a collaboration with Ellen von Unwerth, was published in Commons & Sense Magazine. Baumel also worked in several films, styling up artists and working with directors such as Bettina Rheims, Jean Pierre Philippot, and Michael Haussmann. Among the celebrities that she styled are Taylor Swift, Christina Aguilera, Olga Kurylenko, Monica Bellucci, and Lindsay Lohan. As a stylist for advertising campaigns, Baumel worked with different fashion brands such as L’Oreal and Guess.

Barbara Baumel is a celebrity Fashion Stylist whose clients Read More

Barbara Baumel is a stylist and a fashion editor for French Vogue, She has been working with the magazine for more than a decade. Besides French Vogue, she is also an active contributor to International Vogue and Elle US. Baumel experienced working with famous photographers such as Ellen Von Unwerth, Michael Thompson, Terry Richardson, and Max Vadukul. Her latest editorial work, a collaboration with Ellen von Unwerth, was published in Commons & Sense Magazine. Baumel also worked in several films, styling up artists and working with directors such as Bettina Rheims, Jean Pierre Philippot, and Michael Haussmann. Among the celebrities that she styled are Taylor Swift, Christina Aguilera, Olga Kurylenko, Monica Bellucci, and Lindsay Lohan. As a stylist for advertising campaigns, Baumel worked with different fashion brands such as L’Oreal and Guess.

Barbara Baumel is a celebrity Fashion Stylist whose clients have included Sharon Stone, Sophia Loren and Marion Cotillard. You can view their current celebrity clients in our database. Barbara Baumel work has been featured in Madame Figaro, Paris Match and Author Magazine. Barbara Baumel has also used and worked with a variety of brands which include Chanel, Louis Vuitton and Cartier.

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