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Alexia Efstathiou

Amy Sabel



Zanna Roberts Rassi is an award-winning beauty journalist and fashion stylist. She is also a TV host. At the moment, Zanna works as a Fashion Editor at Large for Marie Claire. She is a known member of the magazine fashion, entertainment, and TV industry, and she’s been a fashion correspondent for E!News, NBC Today Show, and Target Stylist. Zanna is most famous for interviewing celebrity actors and singers for E!Live from The Red Carpet Show. Since 2013 she is a part of the Project Runway All-Star Show. Her career is mostly related to fashion news with some editorials and advertising projects she did for magazines. Zanna Roberts Rassi is a co-founder of Milk Makeup. Milk Makeup is a New York-based cosmetic and skincare company with Milk Studios.

Zanna Roberts Rassi is a celebrity Fashion Stylist whose clients have included Naomi Watts, Jennifer Aniston and <a Read More

Zanna Roberts Rassi is an award-winning beauty journalist and fashion stylist. She is also a TV host. At the moment, Zanna works as a Fashion Editor at Large for Marie Claire. She is a known member of the magazine fashion, entertainment, and TV industry, and she’s been a fashion correspondent for E!News, NBC Today Show, and Target Stylist. Zanna is most famous for interviewing celebrity actors and singers for E!Live from The Red Carpet Show. Since 2013 she is a part of the Project Runway All-Star Show. Her career is mostly related to fashion news with some editorials and advertising projects she did for magazines. Zanna Roberts Rassi is a co-founder of Milk Makeup. Milk Makeup is a New York-based cosmetic and skincare company with Milk Studios.

Zanna Roberts Rassi is a celebrity Fashion Stylist whose clients have included Naomi Watts, Jennifer Aniston and Drew Barrymore. You can view their current celebrity clients in our database.

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