Contact Information

View Wendi Ferreira contact information, we aim to provide their email address, phone number, and mailing address. Moda Database provides you with the contact info for Wendi Ferreira agent and assistant, if they have one. In addition, you can view a list of Wendi Ferreira clients, and the celebrities that Wendi Ferreira works with.

Ashley Falcon



Stylist Wendi Ferreira along with her sister Nicole is one of the best-known celebrity styling duos in the market. Founder of Wendi & Nicole, her work is a regular feature on red carpet events, fashion shows, and high fashion photoshoots. Wendi’s journey began with studying at design school like most stylists. Her first job in the industry was working as an assistant to a stylist that her sister had already been working for. After this, she began to get her own styling gigs and worked as a freelancer for close to two years. Wendi’s big break came as a member of the styling team for the world-famous daytime talk show, ‘The Ellen DeGeneres Show’. It was after she and her sister joined forces that their careers grew exponentially. Today, Wendi has a client roster that includes the likes of Elizabeth Banks, Tom Cruise, <a Read More

Stylist Wendi Ferreira along with her sister Nicole is one of the best-known celebrity styling duos in the market. Founder of Wendi & Nicole, her work is a regular feature on red carpet events, fashion shows, and high fashion photoshoots. Wendi’s journey began with studying at design school like most stylists. Her first job in the industry was working as an assistant to a stylist that her sister had already been working for. After this, she began to get her own styling gigs and worked as a freelancer for close to two years. Wendi’s big break came as a member of the styling team for the world-famous daytime talk show, ‘The Ellen DeGeneres Show’. It was after she and her sister joined forces that their careers grew exponentially. Today, Wendi has a client roster that includes the likes of Elizabeth Banks, Tom Cruise, Anna Faris, Channing Tatum, Josh Hutcherson, and Shia LaBeouf. Wendi and her sister Nicole are best known for their trendy, yet classy approach to styling.

Wendi Ferreira is a celebrity Fashion Stylist whose clients have included Elizabeth Banks, Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Rosario Dawson. You can view their current celebrity clients in our database. Wendi Ferreira has also used and worked with a variety of brands which include Armani, Brandon Maxwell and JEFFREY DODD.

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