Contact Information

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Mia Weinsieder



Wayman Bannerman is a Miami – Florida-born stylist, magazine editor, and fashion designer. He moved to New York in his youth to study Fashion Marketing at the Technolgy Fashion Institute and offer fashion counseling services. In this city, he participated as a collaborator in Fashion Week and did special works for the fashion magazine of The New York Times. He completed a Master of Business Administration in Media Management for television and film at Metropolitan College in New York. Bannerman collaborated for publishers such as GQ, L’Officiel, L’Officiel Homme, Vanity Fair, Golf for Women, and Golf Digest. He had participation in live shows such as NBC’s Today Show and CBS’s Early Morning Show. Besides, he formed a styling company with his partner Micah McDonald called “Wayman & Micah”.

Wayman Bannerman is a celebrity Fashion Stylist whose clients have included Talitha Bateman, Serayah McNeill and Read More

Wayman Bannerman is a Miami – Florida-born stylist, magazine editor, and fashion designer. He moved to New York in his youth to study Fashion Marketing at the Technolgy Fashion Institute and offer fashion counseling services. In this city, he participated as a collaborator in Fashion Week and did special works for the fashion magazine of The New York Times. He completed a Master of Business Administration in Media Management for television and film at Metropolitan College in New York. Bannerman collaborated for publishers such as GQ, L’Officiel, L’Officiel Homme, Vanity Fair, Golf for Women, and Golf Digest. He had participation in live shows such as NBC’s Today Show and CBS’s Early Morning Show. Besides, he formed a styling company with his partner Micah McDonald called “Wayman & Micah”.

Wayman Bannerman is a celebrity Fashion Stylist whose clients have included Talitha Bateman, Serayah McNeill and Leona Lewis. You can view their current celebrity clients in our database. Wayman Bannerman has also used and worked with a variety of brands which include Louis Vuitton, Saint Laurent and BVLGARI.

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