Contact Information

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Fashion editor and stylist Turner is renowned for her work for clients for the cities of New York, Los Angeles and Brooklyn. Turner is currently represented by The Wall group. She completed her graduation from the School of Visual Arts. At the beginning of her career, she worked as a fashion editor at The New York Times and later as an accessories editor for Jane magazine. Turner eventually went on to freelance as a stylist and has participated in many gigs and events. She has styled for many music artists and celebrities including Ellen Page, Jessie Eisenberg, Sean Lennon, Grimes, Leon Bridges, and many other stars. Turner has also styled campaigns for brands like Nike, Adidas, Tommy Hilfiger, Bloomingdales, Google Glass, and more. She has worked with multiple magazines and publications for covers and stories and has designed for Elle, The New York Read More

Fashion editor and stylist Turner is renowned for her work for clients for the cities of New York, Los Angeles and Brooklyn. Turner is currently represented by The Wall group. She completed her graduation from the School of Visual Arts. At the beginning of her career, she worked as a fashion editor at The New York Times and later as an accessories editor for Jane magazine. Turner eventually went on to freelance as a stylist and has participated in many gigs and events. She has styled for many music artists and celebrities including Ellen Page, Jessie Eisenberg, Sean Lennon, Grimes, Leon Bridges, and many other stars. Turner has also styled campaigns for brands like Nike, Adidas, Tommy Hilfiger, Bloomingdales, Google Glass, and more. She has worked with multiple magazines and publications for covers and stories and has designed for Elle, The New York Times Style magazine, Interview, Nylon guys, Flare, and others.

Turner is a celebrity Fashion Stylist whose clients have included Michael Shannon, Elliott Page and Olivia Thirlby. You can view their current celebrity clients in our database. Turner work has been featured in Zeit Magazin, Vogue and Numéro Netherlands. Turner has also used and worked with a variety of brands which include LA Roxx, Monirath and IENKI IENKI.

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