Contact Information

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Fashion stylist, Terry Dacquisto is based in Toronto, Canada. She has a degree in Fashion Marketing and Merchandising from the International Academy of Design and Technology. She has the ability to switch from colourful, peppy styles to clean and sophisticated looks with equal ease. Terri has worked with several brands to create interesting visuals for their campaigns. This includes Bottega Veneta, Joel Joseph and Isabel Marant. She has also worked with celebrities for red carpet and press events. Some of her clients are Mili Boskovic and Sidik Francis.

Terri Dacquisto is a celebrity Fashion Stylist whose clients have included Sidik Francis, Mili Boskovic and Zlata Semenko. You can view their current celebrity clients in our database. Terri Dacquisto has also used and worked with a variety of brands which include Joël Joseph, Bottega Veneta and Isabel Marant.

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