Contact Information

View Tara Gardner contact information, we aim to provide their email address, phone number, and mailing address. Moda Database provides you with the contact info for Tara Gardner agent and assistant, if they have one. In addition, you can view a list of Tara Gardner clients, and the celebrities that Tara Gardner works with.

Celebrity Clients



Tara Gardner is an award-winning  stylist who has earned a name working in the fashion industry for close to two decades now. Tara has worked with some of the best brands, labels, and celebrities over the years and her work speaks for itself. She has collaborated with top publications and has been featured in ELLE, Cosmopolitan, The Gaurdian, CS Magazine and others. Her brand campaigns include TOM FORD, Jimmy Choo, Reebok, Chanel and many more.

Tara Gardner is a celebrity Fashion Stylist whose clients have included Serenity Rogers. You can view their current celebrity clients in our database. Tara Gardner work has been featured in LUCY’S Magazine.

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