Contact Information

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Gia Sergovich




Sasha Kelly is a fashion stylist based in New York City. She grew up in Australia before moving to New York in 2009, where she worked as an assistant designer for four years before setting out on her own in 2013. Sasha regularly collaborates with publications like The Last Magazine, i-D, Teen Vogue, Re-Edition and Twin. She has worked with several photographers, including Stef Mitchell, Senta Simond, Tyler Mitchell, Mel Bles and Clara Balzary, among others.

Sasha Kelly is a celebrity Fashion Stylist whose clients have included Hallie Hummer, Tamas Tuzes and Nyayop Toang. You can view their current celebrity clients in our database. Sasha Kelly work has been featured in SSAW and Time Magazine. Sasha Kelly has also used and worked with a variety of brands which include RAF SIMONS, Louis Vuitton and Balenciaga.

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