Contact Information

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Rita Liefhebber is a Canadian art director and stylist. She began her career in fashion as a teen model with Holt Renfrew and began styling as a young adult. She became the fashion editor of Flare Magazine before moving to New York to assist renowned stylist Lori Goldstein. Over the years, Rita has worked with top designers and brands such as Versace, Vera Wang, Hermes, Harry Rosen, Lida Biday, and Jenny Bird. She has also had her hand in celebrity styling; she dressed Vanessa Hudgens and Katy Perry, among other stars. Rita is also an entrepreneur with founding Lief Huis and digital studio Lief Self-Care.

Rita Liefhebber is a celebrity Fashion Stylist whose clients have included Maya Cole, Juzar Dean and Liisa Winkler. You can view their current celebrity clients in our database. Rita Liefhebber has also used and worked with a variety of brands which include Read More

Rita Liefhebber is a Canadian art director and stylist. She began her career in fashion as a teen model with Holt Renfrew and began styling as a young adult. She became the fashion editor of Flare Magazine before moving to New York to assist renowned stylist Lori Goldstein. Over the years, Rita has worked with top designers and brands such as Versace, Vera Wang, Hermes, Harry Rosen, Lida Biday, and Jenny Bird. She has also had her hand in celebrity styling; she dressed Vanessa Hudgens and Katy Perry, among other stars. Rita is also an entrepreneur with founding Lief Huis and digital studio Lief Self-Care.

Rita Liefhebber is a celebrity Fashion Stylist whose clients have included Maya Cole, Juzar Dean and Liisa Winkler. You can view their current celebrity clients in our database. Rita Liefhebber has also used and worked with a variety of brands which include Jenny Bird, SMYTHE and Joe Fresh.

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