Contact Information

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Leela Veeravalli



A top editorial and celebrity makeup artist in New York, Nina Park has always held a special place for art in her life. Ever since she was a little girl, Nina was fascinated by colors and this translates into all her work even today. Nina studied at an art college in Minneapolis and graduated with a major in painting. When she moved to New York, a friend from the fashion industry introduced her to a makeup artist who needed a substitute assistant. From here she moved on to work with and be mentored and significantly helped by celebrity makeup artist Pati Dubroff.Years later, today Nina works with celebrities like Laura Harrier, Brie Larson, and Zoe Kravitz. She has also worked on several red carpet looks for premier events besides popular runway shows. Her understanding of colors and makeup products has made Read More

A top editorial and celebrity makeup artist in New York, Nina Park has always held a special place for art in her life. Ever since she was a little girl, Nina was fascinated by colors and this translates into all her work even today. Nina studied at an art college in Minneapolis and graduated with a major in painting. When she moved to New York, a friend from the fashion industry introduced her to a makeup artist who needed a substitute assistant. From here she moved on to work with and be mentored and significantly helped by celebrity makeup artist Pati Dubroff.Years later, today Nina works with celebrities like Laura Harrier, Brie Larson, and Zoe Kravitz. She has also worked on several red carpet looks for premier events besides popular runway shows. Her understanding of colors and makeup products has made her the global consultant for skincare brand Kiehl’s. Nina is known for using oil painting techniques while applying makeup, treating each face like an empty canvas, yearning for color.

Nina Park is a celebrity Makeup Artists whose clients have included Emma Stern Nielsen, Kitti Mudele and Stella Maxwell. You can view their current celebrity clients in our database. Nina Park work has been featured in Vogue Greece, CR Fashion Book and The Hollywood Reporter. Nina Park has also used and worked with a variety of brands which include Christopher John Rogers, Melissa Kaye and Miu Miu.

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