Contact Information

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Mark Block



Nikki Malloy is a wardrobe and prop stylist who lives in Denver. She has a degree in Fashion and Product Development. After completing her studies in Paris, she started interning with a well-known womenswear brand in New York. In 2012, she moved to Denver and began her career as an in-house photo stylist at Sports Authority. After three years here, she moved out as a freelance prop and wardrobe stylist. She worked as a personal stylist at Neiman Marcus where she created unique styles for her clients. Her work includes styling photoshoots for major sports brands like Speedo, Nike and Underarmour. Among the celebrities that she has styled is two times Olympic Gold Medallist, Mikaela Shiffrin. Her work reflects clarity of ideas as they are extremely crisp, modern and perfectly suited for the brands that she engages with.

Nikki Malloy is a celebrity Fashion Stylist. Read More

Nikki Malloy is a wardrobe and prop stylist who lives in Denver. She has a degree in Fashion and Product Development. After completing her studies in Paris, she started interning with a well-known womenswear brand in New York. In 2012, she moved to Denver and began her career as an in-house photo stylist at Sports Authority. After three years here, she moved out as a freelance prop and wardrobe stylist. She worked as a personal stylist at Neiman Marcus where she created unique styles for her clients. Her work includes styling photoshoots for major sports brands like Speedo, Nike and Underarmour. Among the celebrities that she has styled is two times Olympic Gold Medallist, Mikaela Shiffrin. Her work reflects clarity of ideas as they are extremely crisp, modern and perfectly suited for the brands that she engages with.

Nikki Malloy is a celebrity Fashion Stylist. Nikki Malloy has also used and worked with a variety of brands which include Stetson.

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