Contact Information

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Shara Fishman




Morgan Pinney, a stylist from Ohio, has always known she wanted to work in the arts. She studied fashion at Kent State University and then proceeded to New York City, where she interned at Stella McCartney, as well as Footwear News and WWD, sparking her interest in styling. She went on to work for W Magazine and Vanity Fair before deciding to pursue style full-time in Los Angeles. Morgan immediately gained celebrity and media attention, establishing herself as a force in the fashion business. Her sheer creative skill allows her to take chances, such as employing menswear to separate her female clientele or using streetwear to give all of her outfits an edge.

Morgan Pinney is a celebrity Fashion Stylist whose clients have included JoJo, Whitney Port and Pia Mia. You can view their current celebrity clients in our database. Morgan Pinney work has been featured Read More

Morgan Pinney, a stylist from Ohio, has always known she wanted to work in the arts. She studied fashion at Kent State University and then proceeded to New York City, where she interned at Stella McCartney, as well as Footwear News and WWD, sparking her interest in styling. She went on to work for W Magazine and Vanity Fair before deciding to pursue style full-time in Los Angeles. Morgan immediately gained celebrity and media attention, establishing herself as a force in the fashion business. Her sheer creative skill allows her to take chances, such as employing menswear to separate her female clientele or using streetwear to give all of her outfits an edge.

Morgan Pinney is a celebrity Fashion Stylist whose clients have included JoJo, Whitney Port and Pia Mia. You can view their current celebrity clients in our database. Morgan Pinney work has been featured in GQ and Numéro Netherlands. Morgan Pinney has also used and worked with a variety of brands which include Jacquemus, Dolce Glow and Cult Gaia.

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