Contact Information

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London-based fashion and prop stylist, Mira Kozlowska has several years of experience styling men, women and children. Before entering the world of fashion, she was a dancer by profession. She appeared in several commercials for brands like Honda and Sanex. She eventually forayed into the fashion industry as the Associative Creative Director for the fashion event, ‘It’s a Mad World.’ She worked as a fashion intern for ITV where she assisted in the production of the daily fashion segment. Since then, she has worked with several brands like X Magazine, Time Inc. UK, Fabulous Magazine, The Sun and FS Magazine. During these years, she worked with celebrities like Mark Cavendish, James DeGale, Danny Simpson and Tonia Couch. Her work as an independent stylist has featured in several magazines including Forever Sports, X-Factor, Men’s Health, Now and Fabulous.

Mira Kozlowska is a celebrity Fashion Stylist. Mira Kozlowska Read More

London-based fashion and prop stylist, Mira Kozlowska has several years of experience styling men, women and children. Before entering the world of fashion, she was a dancer by profession. She appeared in several commercials for brands like Honda and Sanex. She eventually forayed into the fashion industry as the Associative Creative Director for the fashion event, ‘It’s a Mad World.’ She worked as a fashion intern for ITV where she assisted in the production of the daily fashion segment. Since then, she has worked with several brands like X Magazine, Time Inc. UK, Fabulous Magazine, The Sun and FS Magazine. During these years, she worked with celebrities like Mark Cavendish, James DeGale, Danny Simpson and Tonia Couch. Her work as an independent stylist has featured in several magazines including Forever Sports, X-Factor, Men’s Health, Now and Fabulous.

Mira Kozlowska is a celebrity Fashion Stylist. Mira Kozlowska work has been featured in Fabulous Magazine. Mira Kozlowska has also used and worked with a variety of brands which include Nike and Next.

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