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Steven Pranica

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Milan Vukmirovic is a Serbian fashion designer, stylist, and photographer. He studied fashion at ESMOD and solidified his career in the industry when he co-founded the concept store Colette in 1996. There he worked as a creative director and buyer and went on to work freelance as a stylist with magazines such as i-D, Numéro, and Dutch. Milan held multiple other roles in the industry, such as design director for the Gucci Group and creative director at Jil Sander. He also re-launched L’Officiel Hommes Paris in 2005 as editor-in-chief and creative director. Over the years, he has also worked with celebrities, including influential skateboarder Tony Alva and music artist Flavien Berger. Milan has worked in more positions but is currently editor-in-chief of his own menswear bi-annual book magazine hybrid named Fashion for Men.

Milan Vukmirovic is a celebrity Fashion Stylist whose clients have included Chad White. You Read More

Milan Vukmirovic is a Serbian fashion designer, stylist, and photographer. He studied fashion at ESMOD and solidified his career in the industry when he co-founded the concept store Colette in 1996. There he worked as a creative director and buyer and went on to work freelance as a stylist with magazines such as i-D, Numéro, and Dutch. Milan held multiple other roles in the industry, such as design director for the Gucci Group and creative director at Jil Sander. He also re-launched L’Officiel Hommes Paris in 2005 as editor-in-chief and creative director. Over the years, he has also worked with celebrities, including influential skateboarder Tony Alva and music artist Flavien Berger. Milan has worked in more positions but is currently editor-in-chief of his own menswear bi-annual book magazine hybrid named Fashion for Men.

Milan Vukmirovic is a celebrity Fashion Stylist whose clients have included Chad White. You can view their current celebrity clients in our database.

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