Contact Information

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Carole Lawrence

Lindsay Reitzes


With over 20 years of experience, Marie Josee Lafontaine is regarded as one of the most reliable professional makeup artists in the industry. She is extremely passionate about her work and every project of hers represents great attention to detail. She is currently represented by Bryan Bantry Agency. Marie’s work spans an array of projects including advertising collaborations, creating lookbooks, and campaigning for brands like Lancome, Longines, Neutrogena, Revlon, Victoria’s Secret, Rolex, and several others. Her expertise has had many celebrities like Kate Hudson, Sandra Bullock, Sarah Jessica Parker, Claire Danes, Carla Bruni, Ashley Judd actively seek her out for events. Her work has featured on the covers and spreads of magazines like Allure, Bazaar, Cosmopolitan, Glamour, Marie Claire, New York Times, and more through collaborations with photographers like Alessandro D Andrea, Alexandre Weinberger, Annie Leibovitz, Antoine Verglas, Steven Klein and many Read More

With over 20 years of experience, Marie Josee Lafontaine is regarded as one of the most reliable professional makeup artists in the industry. She is extremely passionate about her work and every project of hers represents great attention to detail. She is currently represented by Bryan Bantry Agency. Marie’s work spans an array of projects including advertising collaborations, creating lookbooks, and campaigning for brands like Lancome, Longines, Neutrogena, Revlon, Victoria’s Secret, Rolex, and several others. Her expertise has had many celebrities like Kate Hudson, Sandra Bullock, Sarah Jessica Parker, Claire Danes, Carla Bruni, Ashley Judd actively seek her out for events. Her work has featured on the covers and spreads of magazines like Allure, Bazaar, Cosmopolitan, Glamour, Marie Claire, New York Times, and more through collaborations with photographers like Alessandro D Andrea, Alexandre Weinberger, Annie Leibovitz, Antoine Verglas, Steven Klein and many others.

Marie Josee Lafontaine is a celebrity Makeup Artists whose clients have included Andie MacDowell, Ashley Judd and Bette Midler. You can view their current celebrity clients in our database.

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