Contact Information

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Leroy Lorenzo is a stylist based in Melbourne who has expertise in commercials, image consulting, exhibitions and shows. He was nominated as the Fashion Stylist of the year for three consecutive years at the Australian Hair Fashion Awards for his incredible work as a personal stylist and a commercial stylist. Among the celebrities that he has created a unique look for are April Rose Pengilly, Kris Smith, Jodi Gordon, Christie Whelan Browne, Del Irani, B Wise and several others. He has also contributed regularly to magazines like the DRY magazine, Shuba magazine, Gmaro magazine and Vulcan magazine among several others. Leroy Lorenzo is best known for his ability to capture classic trends and styles with a modern twist to create unique imagery for all his editorials and commercial projects.

Leroy Lorenzo is a celebrity Fashion Stylist whose clients have included <a Read More

Leroy Lorenzo is a stylist based in Melbourne who has expertise in commercials, image consulting, exhibitions and shows. He was nominated as the Fashion Stylist of the year for three consecutive years at the Australian Hair Fashion Awards for his incredible work as a personal stylist and a commercial stylist. Among the celebrities that he has created a unique look for are April Rose Pengilly, Kris Smith, Jodi Gordon, Christie Whelan Browne, Del Irani, B Wise and several others. He has also contributed regularly to magazines like the DRY magazine, Shuba magazine, Gmaro magazine and Vulcan magazine among several others. Leroy Lorenzo is best known for his ability to capture classic trends and styles with a modern twist to create unique imagery for all his editorials and commercial projects.

Leroy Lorenzo is a celebrity Fashion Stylist whose clients have included Sophia Barrett, Marsello davies and Sara Guerrero. You can view their current celebrity clients in our database. Leroy Lorenzo work has been featured in JÓN Magazine, Gmaro Magazine and Vulkan Magazine. Leroy Lorenzo has also used and worked with a variety of brands which include Maison Margiela, Escada and Les Néréides Paris.

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