Contact Information

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A fashion stylist and art director from New York, Lauren Bockow’s life revolves around fashion and photography. She started out as an artist, showcasing her work at different galleries in the United States. Her work has also been part of a popular exhibition titled, ‘Meat after Meat Joy’. She then transitioned into art direction, settling and trend forecasting, following her true passion. As an independent stylist, her work has been featured in several magazines like L’Officiel, Vogue, Blanc, Oyster and Please. She has also worked with luxury brands like Chanel, Moncler, Burberry, Net-A-Porter and Armani.

Lauren Bockow is a celebrity Fashion Stylist whose clients have included Eileen Mathias, Alexandra Marzella and Clare Crawford. You can view their current celebrity clients in our database. Lauren Bockow work has been featured in Blanc Magazine, Oyster Magazine and InStyle México. Lauren Bockow has also used Read More

A fashion stylist and art director from New York, Lauren Bockow’s life revolves around fashion and photography. She started out as an artist, showcasing her work at different galleries in the United States. Her work has also been part of a popular exhibition titled, ‘Meat after Meat Joy’. She then transitioned into art direction, settling and trend forecasting, following her true passion. As an independent stylist, her work has been featured in several magazines like L’Officiel, Vogue, Blanc, Oyster and Please. She has also worked with luxury brands like Chanel, Moncler, Burberry, Net-A-Porter and Armani.

Lauren Bockow is a celebrity Fashion Stylist whose clients have included Eileen Mathias, Alexandra Marzella and Clare Crawford. You can view their current celebrity clients in our database. Lauren Bockow work has been featured in Blanc Magazine, Oyster Magazine and InStyle México. Lauren Bockow has also used and worked with a variety of brands which include Angel Chen, DION LEE and Chanel.

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