Contact Information

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Marjolein Sopjes




Krisana Sotelo is a United States-born professional stylist, designer, and fashion editor with current headquarters in Los Angeles and New York. She began her professional training at the San Francisco Academy of Arts, where she studied fashion design, then studied Tailoring and Fashion Design at Central Saint Martin’s, London. She has been in the fashion industry for many years in a row. Among the main jobs she has had, her address in the Sunday Times of London – United Kingdom stands out. Krisana Sotelo is currently represented worldwide by The Only Agency. She has done various works in popular magazines such as Vogue Thailand, GQ, Cle Du Peau, Dazed & Confused, Harper’s Baazar, Interview, and many more.

Krisana Sotelo is a celebrity Fashion Stylist whose clients have included Ghostemane, Lameka Fox and Saint Jhn. You can view their current celebrity clients in our Read More

Krisana Sotelo is a United States-born professional stylist, designer, and fashion editor with current headquarters in Los Angeles and New York. She began her professional training at the San Francisco Academy of Arts, where she studied fashion design, then studied Tailoring and Fashion Design at Central Saint Martin’s, London. She has been in the fashion industry for many years in a row. Among the main jobs she has had, her address in the Sunday Times of London – United Kingdom stands out. Krisana Sotelo is currently represented worldwide by The Only Agency. She has done various works in popular magazines such as Vogue Thailand, GQ, Cle Du Peau, Dazed & Confused, Harper’s Baazar, Interview, and many more.

Krisana Sotelo is a celebrity Fashion Stylist whose clients have included Ghostemane, Lameka Fox and Saint Jhn. You can view their current celebrity clients in our database. Krisana Sotelo work has been featured in SCMP Style, TMRW Magazine and Schön! Magazine China. Krisana Sotelo has also used and worked with a variety of brands which include Givenchy, Louis Vuitton and Gucci.

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