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Visual artist, Joanna Mariak is based in Warsaw Poland. The level of intimacy that she brings into each portrait or fashion shot that she captures has made her popular among peers. She is the founder of Rumor Studio. She is also a student of the National Film School in Lodz. Her work has been featured in exhibitions at CSW Toruń, Fotofestiwal Łódź, Labirynt Słubice/Frankfurt. She has also worked on several editorials for brands like Analog Fever magazine, French Fries magazine, Fisheye magazine, Kalblut magazine, Nakid magazine, KMAG and Mirror Mirror magazine. She has also worked for major fashion brands like Avalonia and Zara. Among her celebrity clients are Lisia Dama, Natalia Nadolna and Karolina Potok.

Joanna Mariak is a celebrity Fashion Stylist whose clients have included Natalia Nadolna, Lisia Dama and Karolina Potok. You can view their current celebrity clients in Read More

Visual artist, Joanna Mariak is based in Warsaw Poland. The level of intimacy that she brings into each portrait or fashion shot that she captures has made her popular among peers. She is the founder of Rumor Studio. She is also a student of the National Film School in Lodz. Her work has been featured in exhibitions at CSW Toruń, Fotofestiwal Łódź, Labirynt Słubice/Frankfurt. She has also worked on several editorials for brands like Analog Fever magazine, French Fries magazine, Fisheye magazine, Kalblut magazine, Nakid magazine, KMAG and Mirror Mirror magazine. She has also worked for major fashion brands like Avalonia and Zara. Among her celebrity clients are Lisia Dama, Natalia Nadolna and Karolina Potok.

Joanna Mariak is a celebrity Fashion Stylist whose clients have included Natalia Nadolna, Lisia Dama and Karolina Potok. You can view their current celebrity clients in our database. Joanna Mariak work has been featured in Féroce Magazine, Insomnia Magazine and Analogue Portraits. Joanna Mariak has also used and worked with a variety of brands which include Zara and Avalonia.

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