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Gillian Doyle




Stylist Jaime Kay Waxman has always managed to hold her own in the competitive world of fashion. It is her understanding of different body types and personalities that has helped her take her work where it is today. After acquiring a degree in Journalism at the University of California, she moved to New York to pursue her interest in fashion. Working with stylist George Cortina helped her build several skills that let her venture out on her own as a freelance stylist.Today, Kay is the Fashion Editor at Home Agency. She also regularly contributes to some of the most popular fashion publications including Harper’s Bazaar, Let’s Panic, Teen Vogue, and Beauty Papers. She has been a blogger for Vogue Japan for several years and has built a huge portfolio over the years with names like Frame Denim, H&M, Calvin Klein, Nine West, Max Mara, Read More

Stylist Jaime Kay Waxman has always managed to hold her own in the competitive world of fashion. It is her understanding of different body types and personalities that has helped her take her work where it is today. After acquiring a degree in Journalism at the University of California, she moved to New York to pursue her interest in fashion. Working with stylist George Cortina helped her build several skills that let her venture out on her own as a freelance stylist.Today, Kay is the Fashion Editor at Home Agency. She also regularly contributes to some of the most popular fashion publications including Harper’s Bazaar, Let’s Panic, Teen Vogue, and Beauty Papers. She has been a blogger for Vogue Japan for several years and has built a huge portfolio over the years with names like Frame Denim, H&M, Calvin Klein, Nine West, Max Mara, and XOXO. Kay has also worked with top photographers like Simon Cave, Paola Kudacki, and Mark Seliger. She dares to be different and has a free-flowing creative mind, making her style of work unique and interesting.

Jaime Kay Waxman is a celebrity Fashion Stylist whose clients have included Havana Rose Liu, Tianna Rose Saint Louis and Jennae Quisenberry. You can view their current celebrity clients in our database. Jaime Kay Waxman work has been featured in Vogue Japan, Display Copy Magazine and The Sunday Times Style. Jaime Kay Waxman has also used and worked with a variety of brands which include Addiction, Noir Kei Ninomiya and Fendi.

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