Contact Information

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Claudia De-Meis is renowned in the fashion industry. She began her career as a graduate of Arts University, Bournemouth. She earned her Bachelor’s degree in Fashion/Apparel Design and went on to occupy the title of fashion editor for Harrods. De-Meis has also executed freelance work as a stylist, art director, and brand consultant. Her freelance time involved working with clients Stella McCartney, Tom Ford, Burberry, and Saint Laurent. De-Meis contributes to leading publications such as British Vogue and Manifesto Magazine while styling top models such as Seohyun Kim and Dennis Nyero. She’s made accomplishments such as receiving a Drapers Digital Award. De-Meis’s most recent success is being the co-founder of Carbon, a global ecosystem for creatives.

Claudia De-Meis is a celebrity Fashion Stylist whose clients have included Dennis Nyero, Steffi Cook and Varsha Thapa. You can Read More

Claudia De-Meis is renowned in the fashion industry. She began her career as a graduate of Arts University, Bournemouth. She earned her Bachelor’s degree in Fashion/Apparel Design and went on to occupy the title of fashion editor for Harrods. De-Meis has also executed freelance work as a stylist, art director, and brand consultant. Her freelance time involved working with clients Stella McCartney, Tom Ford, Burberry, and Saint Laurent. De-Meis contributes to leading publications such as British Vogue and Manifesto Magazine while styling top models such as Seohyun Kim and Dennis Nyero. She’s made accomplishments such as receiving a Drapers Digital Award. De-Meis’s most recent success is being the co-founder of Carbon, a global ecosystem for creatives.

Claudia De-Meis is a celebrity Fashion Stylist whose clients have included Dennis Nyero, Steffi Cook and Varsha Thapa. You can view their current celebrity clients in our database. Claudia De-Meis work has been featured in Manifesto Magazine. Claudia De-Meis has also used and worked with a variety of brands which include Saint Laurent and JW Anderson.

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