Contact Information

View Clark Richard Phillips contact information, we aim to provide their email address, phone number, and mailing address. Moda Database provides you with the contact info for Clark Richard Phillips agent and assistant, if they have one. In addition, you can view a list of Clark Richard Phillips clients, and the celebrities that Clark Richard Phillips works with.



Clark Phillips is a hairstylist based in New York. Phillips is known for several projects in videography throughout the years via giving his hairstyling expertise. One of his early work was working with director Jacqueline Castel in the movie called Seeker, released in 2012. Later on, in 2013, Phillips worked in another film titled “CREEP”, which was directed by Ellen Frances. In the same year, he worked in a film titled “Breathe” which was starred by Jena Malone and directed by Cara Stricker. Phillips also worked with a 2014 film titled “Black Tears White Lies” by Adarsha Benjamin, and a commentary track called “HAIM – My Song 5” which was released in the same year.

Clark Richard Phillips is a celebrity Hair Stylists.

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