Contact Information

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Based in London Carla Casati Rollieri is known as a fashion stylist and digital marketer. She completed her studies in Advanced Fashion Styling from London College of style in 2019 and went on to become a fashion designer. She worked as a sales representative intern in 2017. After working for several companies like Globalia and Avinox before starting her career as a stylist. She joined Sicora Consulting Inc. as a marketing assistant in 2021. Parallelly, she started working as a freelance fashion stylist in 2019. Her portfolio includes working with renowned models for editorials and magazines over the years. She also worked on projects for clothes, accessories designing. She focuses on staying relevant by following fashion trends along with finding creative ways to bring in the traditional fashion trends through her work.

Carla Casati Rollieri is a celebrity Fashion Stylist whose clients have included Tulsi Shivaanand, Jade Assuncao Read More

Based in London Carla Casati Rollieri is known as a fashion stylist and digital marketer. She completed her studies in Advanced Fashion Styling from London College of style in 2019 and went on to become a fashion designer. She worked as a sales representative intern in 2017. After working for several companies like Globalia and Avinox before starting her career as a stylist. She joined Sicora Consulting Inc. as a marketing assistant in 2021. Parallelly, she started working as a freelance fashion stylist in 2019. Her portfolio includes working with renowned models for editorials and magazines over the years. She also worked on projects for clothes, accessories designing. She focuses on staying relevant by following fashion trends along with finding creative ways to bring in the traditional fashion trends through her work.

Carla Casati Rollieri is a celebrity Fashion Stylist whose clients have included Tulsi Shivaanand, Jade Assuncao and Mariam Diarra. You can view their current celebrity clients in our database.

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