Contact Information

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Berta Alvarez is a Fashion stylist and Creative Director born and based in Madrid. She decided to follow her passion for fashion while studying at Erasmus in Bologna. Her work as a Fashion Designer has been featured in many magazines such as Vogue, El Pais Semanal, L'Officiel, Harper's Bazaar, and Esquire. Berta has collaborated with numerous photographers, including Pablo Zamora, Masha Mel, Michelangelo, Sabal-Bruce and Laura Marie Cieplik.

Berta Álvarez is a celebrity Fashion Stylist whose clients have included Carlota Weber Mazuecos, Melissa Villarreal Cortes and Maga Abramoff. You can view their current celebrity clients in our database. Berta Álvarez work has been featured in Vogue España, Metal Magazine and Vanidad. Berta Álvarez has also used and worked with a variety of brands which include Fendi, Stella McCartney and Prada.

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