Contact Information

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Bianca Balconis


Andrew Holden is a fashion editor, creative consultant, and stylist who is known for his works for independent fashion publications. He was a graduate of the University of London’s Goldsmiths College, where he took Costume and Scenic Design. Holden is currently based in New York where he works as a contributor for Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, Elle, Hearst Magazines, L’Officiel, and Grazia Magazine. Last year, Andrew Holden worked for the Hush Puppies Fall 2018 campaign together with Photographer Andy Ryan. In 2016, he worked with Jack Waterlot for a series of pictures that appeared on Elle Taiwan, Vogue Ukraine, and Essential Homme. For his advertising career, Holden worked with CoverGirl, AG Adriano Goldschmied, DeBeers, Hugo Boss, and Lexus in the last decade.

Andrew Holden is a celebrity Fashion Stylist whose clients have included Benicio Del Toro, Beth Behrs and Courtney Love. You can view their current Read More

Andrew Holden is a fashion editor, creative consultant, and stylist who is known for his works for independent fashion publications. He was a graduate of the University of London’s Goldsmiths College, where he took Costume and Scenic Design. Holden is currently based in New York where he works as a contributor for Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, Elle, Hearst Magazines, L’Officiel, and Grazia Magazine. Last year, Andrew Holden worked for the Hush Puppies Fall 2018 campaign together with Photographer Andy Ryan. In 2016, he worked with Jack Waterlot for a series of pictures that appeared on Elle Taiwan, Vogue Ukraine, and Essential Homme. For his advertising career, Holden worked with CoverGirl, AG Adriano Goldschmied, DeBeers, Hugo Boss, and Lexus in the last decade.

Andrew Holden is a celebrity Fashion Stylist whose clients have included Benicio Del Toro, Beth Behrs and Courtney Love. You can view their current celebrity clients in our database.

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