Contact Information

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Almu Carnicero is a Fashion Stylist and Creative Consultant. She has worked with numerous celebrities and models such as Clara Galle, Mia Dealvear, Merel Koldenhof, and Alicia Chapac. Her work can be seen in various brands, including TELVA, Mujerhoy and Elle Spain, among others. Almu has also collaborated with a variety of brands like Emporio Armani, Sandro Paris and Aritocrazy.

Almu Carnicero is a celebrity Fashion Stylist whose clients have included Vicky Luengo, Laura García-Caro and Blanca Suárez. You can view their current celebrity clients in our database. Almu Carnicero work has been featured in Mujerhoy and Telva. Almu Carnicero has also used and worked with a variety of brands which include Sandro Paris, Emporio Armani and Aristocrazy.

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