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Allan Kennedy is the current style director of the Global Brand Image department at Nike. He is a graduate of the Glasgow Caledonian University where he majored in Fashion and Business Administration from 2003 to 2006. Kennedy’s editorial works can be found in several magazines such as GQ France, GQ Italia, GQ Mexico, i-D Magazine, and Vogue China Men. He specializes in styling for advertisements, editorial photoshoots, magazine covers, and look at books. In the past decade, Allan Kennedy received magazine cover projects from City Magazine, Esquire Uk, i-D Magazine, and Man of the World. Until now, he is still an active contributor for Man of the World Magazine. Originally from Scotland, Kennedy decided to move to New York City to pursue his fashion career.

Allan Kennedy is a celebrity Fashion Stylist whose clients have included George Clooney, Matt Damon and Bradley Cooper. You can Read More

Allan Kennedy is the current style director of the Global Brand Image department at Nike. He is a graduate of the Glasgow Caledonian University where he majored in Fashion and Business Administration from 2003 to 2006. Kennedy’s editorial works can be found in several magazines such as GQ France, GQ Italia, GQ Mexico, i-D Magazine, and Vogue China Men. He specializes in styling for advertisements, editorial photoshoots, magazine covers, and look at books. In the past decade, Allan Kennedy received magazine cover projects from City Magazine, Esquire Uk, i-D Magazine, and Man of the World. Until now, he is still an active contributor for Man of the World Magazine. Originally from Scotland, Kennedy decided to move to New York City to pursue his fashion career.

Allan Kennedy is a celebrity Fashion Stylist whose clients have included George Clooney, Matt Damon and Bradley Cooper. You can view their current celebrity clients in our database.

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