Contact Information

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Beatriz Moreno de la Cova is a renowned fashion stylist and editor based in France. She was interested in fashion and costume designing since her childhood. Beatriz completed her studies in International Communications at The American University of Paris and went on to pursue fashion as an individual stylist. Her collaboration with renowned magazine Harper's Bazaar for several photoshoots brought her immense fame and recognition. She contributed to several Harper's Bazaar editorials for their Mexican, Spanish, and Turkish editions. During her collaboration with the publication, Beatriz worked with many international photographers like Xavi Gordo, Javier Biosca, and others. Her work has also been featured in Vanity Fair in 2019. Beatriz also joined the Vogue creative team as a Fashion Editor.

Beatriz Moreno de la Cova is a celebrity Fashion Stylist whose clients have included Vanessa Paradis, Josie and Úrsula Corberó. You can view their current celebrity Read More

Beatriz Moreno de la Cova is a renowned fashion stylist and editor based in France. She was interested in fashion and costume designing since her childhood. Beatriz completed her studies in International Communications at The American University of Paris and went on to pursue fashion as an individual stylist. Her collaboration with renowned magazine Harper's Bazaar for several photoshoots brought her immense fame and recognition. She contributed to several Harper's Bazaar editorials for their Mexican, Spanish, and Turkish editions. During her collaboration with the publication, Beatriz worked with many international photographers like Xavi Gordo, Javier Biosca, and others. Her work has also been featured in Vanity Fair in 2019. Beatriz also joined the Vogue creative team as a Fashion Editor.

Beatriz Moreno de la Cova is a celebrity Fashion Stylist whose clients have included Vanessa Paradis, Josie and Úrsula Corberó. You can view their current celebrity clients in our database. Beatriz Moreno de la Cova work has been featured in Harper’s Bazaar España, El País Semanal and S Moda. Beatriz Moreno de la Cova has also used and worked with a variety of brands which include Chanel, Saint Laurent and Carolina Herrera.

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